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Property Claims BLOG

Jeffrey Laffey

From 2011 to 2015, Jeffrey Laffey was honored as one of the top 100 trial lawyers in Pennsylvania by the National Lawyers Association. Before founding Laffey, Bucci, & Kent he represented hundreds of construction workers in legal disputes.

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Stucco Lawsuits And Property Damage Insurance Claims

Stucco refers to the type of siding many homes and businesses use to decorate the exterior walls of their buildings. The craft of applying stucco to buildings has been around since the early 1900s. Within the past twenty years, stucco has been replacing other types of siding such as vinyl or brick because of its economical cost and aesthetic appeal. Currently, thousands of homes, neighborhoods, and businesses across America use stucco as their choice of siding, which has been on the rise since its recent modern inception.

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