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Property Claims BLOG

The Hidden Damages of a Fire Loss

There’s more to fire damage than meets the eye. Fire can also cause hidden damages that can be hard to detect. The two main culprits: smoke/soot damage, and water damage. Knowing about these additional impacts on your property, and how to take care of them, helps ensure you’re reimbursed appropriately for your claim.

What to Do if Your Fire Insurance Claim is Denied

There are many reasons insurance companies justifiably deny fire insurance claims. But that doesn’t mean all fire claim denials are justified.

5 Tips to Get the Most Money for Your House Fire Claim

If you’ve suffered a house fire, we’re here to help. Here are some tips for how to maximize the amount of your house fire claim.

How to Deal with Debris Removal After a House Fire

As the homeowner, you’re responsible for clearing debris from your property after a fire. The good news is coverage for debris removal is included in most homeowners insurance policies. It’s a necessary expense to bring your property back to its pre-loss condition, but how much is available for the site cleanup and what debris is covered?

After a House Fire: Dos and Don'ts

Dealing with the aftermath of a house fire is overwhelming. There are things to do, and things you definitely don’t want to do or even attempt to do. We’ve put together the following list of helpful tips to take some of the stress out of a house fire recovery.

What is Additional Living Expense/Loss of Use and What Does it Pay For?

When a fire or other covered peril renders your home not fit to live in, your homeowners insurance policy likely provides Additional Living Expense/Loss of Use coverage that pays for temporary housing and other extra expenses you incur to maintain your standard of living. ALE also reimburses you for other expenses that rise above and beyond what you would normally spend.

If Your House Burns Down, What are Your Options?

No one should have to deal with the trauma of a house fire. But if your house burns down, expert advice can help. Here are some of the first things you should do.

How To Complete a Total Loss Inventory List After a House Fire

One of the most daunting tasks required in the claim process after losing your home to a fire is properly documenting your personal property to ensure you’re compensated fully for what you’ve lost. Completing a total loss inventory list is a high-stress task, and it must be done correctly so as not to leave settlement dollars on the table. Know going in that it will be messy, time-consuming, and require a lot of patience as you meticulously document the many possessions you’ve accumulated over a lifetime.

Vacant or Unoccupied? For Insurance Coverage, the Difference is Important

The two terms “vacant” and “unoccupied” might appear to be synonymous, even interchangeable in general conversation, but they are distinctly different when it comes to property insurance coverage.

Examination Under Oath (EUO): What it is and How to Prepare for One

Imagine the horror of suffering a major house fire and having your belongings destroyed, badly smoke- and soot-damaged or waterlogged. Your world is officially turned upside down, yet you have crucial duties to perform to make sure it gets right-side up with a properly filed insurance claim. The furthest thing from your mind is an examination under oath (EUO). What’s that, you might ask? Read on.

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